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Annie La Marmotte

Enhancing Child's Intelligence with Humor

November 13 2015, 06:32am

Posted by Fanny Pangilinan

Enhancing Child's Intelligence with Humor

One of the anecdotal methods for determining if a child is gifted is her ability to understand adult jokes and stories, or in other words, to be able to see beyond the black and white objective words and to notice how things are related in more of an abstract. Being able to do this takes intuition, a good knowledge base, and the ability to reason beyond her years.

Research has been conducted that measured spontaneous mirth and comprehension where the reactions of 60 gifted and 60 regular education students were videotaped responding to various kinds of humor and non-humor. The results were that the gifted students performed significantly elevated - they "got" the jokes that the regular education students did not.

So, What is Humor?

It is necessary to analyze what comedy is, to appreciate why and how talented pupils react to humor. There's this belief that occasionally in expressing oneself, a man doesn't have to talk or. While everything which is educated in school targets expressing ideas certainly, cartoons, parody, and satire have a method of delivering an incredibly actual message without really coming out and saying the things they mean. These components would be the "gray areas" of language and communicating, including innuendo and allusions.

Most successful satire/parody/cartoons rely on the reader or listener having the ability to "read between the lines," and to get an inside knowledge of the subtleties and nuances of a subject. Talented kids may not be especially weak in this field.

Successful satire/parody/cartoons are much more than simple slams, insults, sarcasm, or put-downs. Engaging satire/parody/cartoons are based in both simple truths in the eyes of the beholders, and in justifiable humor.

Sometimes we laugh so that we don't cry. When someone drops something in the kitchen and someone calls him a name and everybody laughs, that is not about being clever; that is about putting somebody down and hurting feelings. This has nothing to do with humor, and has everything to do with power. Anyone can call someone else a name to hurt his feelings, but successful satire/parody/cartoons have a purpose in mind: they want the reader or listener to think about the topic in a way that they might not otherwise imagine. When someone insults someone else, or puts someone else down, more often than not the person who does the insulting does more to degrade himself than his victim.

When someone cleverly parodies or satirizes someone or something else, the person performing the satire is more often than not positively regarded as being witty and nobody's feelings are hurt because everyone is laughing with the joke, not at a victim. Gifted children can have both a keen sense of humor and good ear for honest wit.

Where Humor is Vital

In fact, satire is a legitimately recognized form of communication even at the highest levels of government! In the British Parliament when someone is making a speech, another member of Parliament is allowed to interrupt the speech for a brief, appropriate, applicable, and witty remark designated to rebuke what the speaker is saying. This satire, called a heckle, is considered almost an art form in England. On the other hand, if the remark is boorish or insulting, the person making the insult is strongly and swiftly disciplined by the other members of Parliament.

Think of good satire/parody/cartoons as being a literary hit to the top of the head, a humorous wake-up call about an issue or a person. Again, the only limit is that the reader or listener must "get it," and gifted children often have that ability.

For example, if someone made a humorous reference to his dour dog-owning next-door neighbor when he was a child as being, "a very dogmatic person," he might think that it is endlessly funny; however, it is unlikely that anyone else would "get it." Another angle here is to think about popular music. The odds are that anyone considerably older than the listener is would have a hard time appreciating the music the same way that the listener would because each person’s experiences are different. Winning satire/parody/cartoons rely heavily on one’s point of view, as do most forms of communication.

If a child can see beyond the black and white objective nature of words and notice how things are related in more of an abstract, this could be a positive sign of giftedness.

Comment on this post
Child intelligence is very important and significant. The role of the study and all constructions of the intellect and intelligence are observed and promoted. It is beneficial and analytical.